Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Angola and Namibia Appeal

William Carey, the great missionary to India, once said, “I will go down if you will hold the ropes.”

Missionary work is a partnership. Louise and I cannot fulfil the Great Commission without going, and we cannot go unless y'all send us and support us. The Apostle Paul wrote, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Romans 10:14-15a).

As we mentioned in our recent newsletter, God willing, we will be going to southern Angola and Northern Namibia for five weeks in July, slightly overlapping into August. We need your help.

Our Training of select clergy in Windhoek, Namibia last year.

Our SAMS Missionary Account has three sections. The first is our Missionary Support Account...our salary, medical insurance, pensions, etc. The second is our Project Account. This is the account we use for scholarships for those who cannot afford the cost of our manuals. While we do not charge people for our training, we do ask them to pay for the cost of the manuals, which is R150 ($11). The third is our vehicle account...maintenance, repairs, diesel, etc.

While all three accounts could be better, it is the Project Account that is our present pressing concern. Without sufficient funds in this account, we are not able to help those who cannot afford the cost of the manuals. We believe that this disciple training material is an excellent Church (with a capital C) growth resource and want as many people, clergy and laity alike, to learn the basic principles Jesus used in the process of bringing followers either from unbelief or immaturity to maturity where they are able to do what He did.

Would you please prayerfully consider helping us to get this project account amount stable?

Giving is easy, either online or by mail.

To give online, simply click on this link and follow the instructions:
To give by mail, please send your check to SAMS-USA, P O Box 399, Ambridge, PA, 15003.

In both cases, please clearly stipulate which account you wish to give towards, Missionary Account, Project Account, or Vehicle Account.

We are so thankful to you for your ongoing support. Y'all are our rope holders. Without y'all we simply could not fulfil our ministry. Bless you and thank you.

All our love
Johann and Louise

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