Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summer Newsletter 2024

Johann and Louise: Training Disciples to Make Disciples in the Netherlands

This summer, I have have been doing quite a bit of double duty for pastors who are on leave or on Sabbaticals. This involves a lot of careful planning with regard to travelling to the different churches and then back to be in Heiloo in time for our afternoon service.

Recently, I was asked to do a funeral service for a family whose pastor is currently unavailable. The only snag was they asked me to to do the whole service, barring the sermon, in Dutch! I was quite nervous as I really did not want to mess up an already emotionally charged farewell, but, not only was the family graciously thankful for my effort, one gentleman thought I was from Belgium! The Belgians speak an older form of Dutch that apparently sounds more like Afrikaans. Please pray that my accent improves! 

Louise and I had a very fruitful time in Greece and I was able to add quite a bit of information to my narrative commentary on Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey. Our guide, Dr Weima, who is considered one of the leading Pauline scholars and experts on his letters to the Thessalonians, also graciously agreed to write the foreword to the commentary. Please pray with us that it will be published soon. This will be my second book in the series on Paul and his letters. Our visits to Corinth and to Ephesus were especially important as 1 Corinthians is the next book to be written!

Please continue to pray for our ministry at Christ Church, Heiloo, that our members will grow in grace and effective witness. I am always struck by the difference between North Holland Province and the rest of the Netherlands...Christians are decidedly in the minority here!

Please do also pray for the many encounters we have with our neighbours and with fellow dog owners every day. Our relationship with a number of these folks is deepening and we have had several opportunities to speak more about Jesus. Some now even have a copy of Breakfast on the Beach! Pray that our Lord will break up fallow ground, take out hearts of stone, prepare the soil to receive the seeds sown, and provide germination, growth, and abundant fruit. And again, pray for our Dutch!

Thank you all for your love, support and especially your prayers. This ministry is your ministry and your partnership is valued and very much appreciated.

Blessings and love
Johann and Louise

I'd like to end this newsletter with a report from our women regarding their ministry here, especially the recent Women's Retreat.

"North Holland is one of the most beautiful places in the Netherlands—full of windmills, springtime tulip fields, Delft blue tiles, delicious cheese and all other things quintessentially Dutch—It is also one of the most unchurched provinces of the Netherlands.

Living here is lovely, but living here as a believer is sometimes a challenge. Moreover, reaching out and sharing the gospel in a meaningful way to a post-modern secular society who think that they have ‘done’ Christianity and rightfully rejected it, is sometimes even more difficult.

1 June 2024, Christ Church Heiloo held its third Women’s Day Retreat attended by just over 100 women who were given a day of teaching, fellowship, good food and a chance to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good.’ The purpose of the day is two-fold.

First, it is an opportunity to reach non-believers with the gospel and show them the body of Christ in action.

Second, it provides a place for Christian women to be encouraged and fed so that they can return to their daily lives recharged and ready to serve Christ in their families and communities.

Charlotte Kim, our speaker, spoke on the theme Planted and Rooted. The talks challenged everyone attending, both seekers and believers, outlining an eternal perspective on God’s work in the world. Her talks are available at: Charlotte Kim Rooted and Planted, Talk 1 and Charlotte Kim, Rooted
and Planted, Talk 2.

This year, as in the past two years, we have been amazed at God’s gracious provision of women who registered and joined us on the day, those who were called to serve, those whose generous financial gifts made it possible for us to reach out to women in North Holland and those who supported us with prayer and encouragement. Thank you to all of you who continue to support our ministry here in North Holland. Every year, God works in the hearts of those who attend.

Here are a few examples:
 Two women, one originally from Sri Lanka and one from Australia, have come to church regularly since attending our women’s day. One of these women has joined Louise’s home group as well.
 A British colleague of mine has lived in The Netherlands for more than 20 years, but never been a part of a church community. She regularly shares truths about God that she has learned from her ‘daily reading’. After several instances of this, I asked, ‘What are you reading?’ She replied, ‘The daily devotion book from last year’s women’s day gift bag. I read it first thing every day.’ This is a testimony that God’s word never returns void.
 Most of the women who attended a workshop reported back to members of the planning team, that the workshop they attended had spoken to them very specifically as though it was tailor-made for them.
 Many Dutch churches in North Holland are liberal, largely empty and have lost an understanding of biblical Christianity. The Dutch church who owns the building that we rent is a struggling congregation. The women’s day has provided a bridge for reaching out to their congregation with the gospel message.

Our congregation are grateful to God for your partnership in sharing the gospel here in The Netherlands.

Paul’s prayer from Philippians 3:3-6 is the prayer that I pray when I think of the way that you have generously supported us as we proclaim the gospel in North Holland.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:3-6

Connie Helder
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Support Us
Johann and Louise spent two years helping to develop the St. Frumentius Seminary in Gambella, Ethiopia. They then worked in Southern Africa, serving in seven southern African countries, while continuing to work with the Diocese of Egypt, North Africa through engaging in a disciple making movement in order to grow the body of Christ. They are now serving in Heiloo, the Netherlands.
We are sent  through the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders, a missionary sending community, engaging in building relationships with the worldwide church to experience the broken restored, the wounded healed, the hungry fed, and the lost found through the love and power of Jesus Christ. 
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Attention to: Johann and Louise van der Bijl

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