Friday, December 21, 2012

Part I: The Cape Town Commitment: For the Lord we love...#5

We love the Holy Spirit within the unity of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son.  He is the missionary Spirit sent by the missionary Father and the missionary Son, breathing life and power into God's missionary Church.  We love and pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit because without the witness of the Spirit to Christ, our own witness is futile.  Without the convicting work of the Spirit, our preaching is in vain.  Without the gifts, guidance and power of the Spirit, our mission is mere human effort.  And without the fruit of the Spirit, our unattractive lives cannot reflect the beauty of the Gospel.  The Cape Town Commitment, 15

At the GAT training I met a man that I was concerned about.  While I was praying for him, I sensed that there was something darker at work in his life...something that I felt the Holy Spirit was telling me was part of this man's family and village.  I alerted our hosts and asked for someone to be sent to his (remote) village to follow-up on our prayers for him.  Here is a report from the man who visited him and his family.  

This is a perfect example of the missionary Spirit of God at work!

Please keep them all in your prayers. 

Dear Brother,
Greetings from ________, India.
I am Rev. ________ from ________. I am an adviser cum-master trainer of Alpha India in ________. I was informed by Mr. ________, Alpha State Coordinator about Mr. ______ a participant of Alpha GAT at _______ whom you had ministered and needed follow up and further prayer. I met him personally and also visited his family who are staying in a village called ________ about __ kilometers away from ________ town. I ministered to them the whole day, counselled and prayed. In fact the whole family was affected by evil spirit. Their youngest son was possessed and controlled by some dead spirits. All in the family somehow or other were affected by those spirits and suffering physically and mentally. However, I prayed for them. God, through His Grace did wonder and the young son was delivered from the dead evil spirits. The whole family is fine and happy now. I have assured them of my prayer and ministry. I am enclosing some pictures for your knowledge and prayer.
In this privilege I also request you to pray for me and our ministry here in _______. Because beside Alpha ministry I am engaged in few other ministries such as Evangelism and Church Planting, Prayer (Power) ministry, Orphanage (Compassion) ministry, Discipleship, and education to the poor and needy in _____. ______ is a backward area in India in every aspect such as spiritual, social, economical, educational etc. It is a rural and tribal area. Illiteracy, poverty, natural calamities, child death, and child selling are major issues to address. This area is also ignored by mission organizations for lack of communication and transportation. God in His will has chosen and appointed me to work in such place for His Glory and Kingdom. By God’s grace, power and help our ministry is running successfully and growing day by day. We have already planted 15 churches in different villages, and have established one orphanage center with 10 orphan children, one disciple training center, three village literacy centers  and one school for free education to the unprivileged and underprivileged children. As ministry grows, so also the needs for it. God has been providing our needs through His kind hearted people. Please pray for our ministry, for all ministers involved in different levels, for us and for the financial need. Do pray that God would raise His people to support the ministry of _______ to reach the unreached millions and to help the poor and needy showing the love and compassion of God. We are also praying for you and assure our prayer for your ministry and family. May the Lord bless you! 

Dr. _________

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