Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This is an excellent article on senders may serve those they send.


APR 23, 2014


Helping Missionaries Make Ends Meet
Missionaries rarely operate at 100% of their recommended support level. We wrongly place the burden of raising that support on them, when we can and should help shoulder that burden. There are two ways for anyone to make ends meet financially: decrease the expenses and increase the income. Here are some ideas for how you can increase your giving and decrease their expenses.
1. Collect donated items and auction them off.
2. Sell “shares” in a calf or piglet, then raise and sell it.
3. Download one of the many apps that let you make a donation to a non-profit of your choice whenever you make certain purchases (i.e. Starbucks).

4. Invite 10 people that you know (that are yet unknown to your missionary friend) to a gathering in your home. Have the missionary share his/her vision.
5. Start a crowdfunding venture on behalf of some project your missionary friend would like to accomplish.
6. Get with as many people as you can and have a group yard/garage sale.

7. Many grocers (i.e. Kroger) offer gift cards that will forward a small percentage of every purchase to a non-profit of your choice.
8.Pull together a couple thousand dollars from whatever sources and hand them over to an investment specialist who is willing to manage the portfolio for free and maximize the returns.
9. Approach large donors about offering to match donations up to a certain amount. People give more when they know their gift will be doubled.

10. Make sure potential donors know about the possibility of electronic fund transfers. Donors like for the process of giving to be easy.
11. Offer to help find good deals on travel, used cars, or items that missionaries may need on the field or on home assignment.
12. Sell an unwanted vehicle or boat.

13. Start an ebay company and use the profits to support your missionary.
14. Offer to tutor their children in a subject in which they may be struggling.
15. Create a network of resources - people who are willing to donate their expertise (like tax returns, repairs, medical visits)

16. Cut and/or style their hair for free - if you know how
17. One missionary we know financed her sabbatical by raffling off crafts and objects of art that were given to her.
18. Collect loose change.

19. Host a scrap drive (aluminum cans, copper, iron and steel)
20. Do you homeschool your children? Offer missionaries your textbooks when you’re finished with them.
21. Include them on your cell phone family plan.

22. Earmark your tax return for them.
23. Donate the use of your time-share so they can have a vacation.
24. Let them use your frequent flyer miles.

25. Many credit cards offer rewards or cash back on purchases. Pass them on to your missionary.
26. Offer to be their advocate at your local church; keep them informed of your missionary’s needs.
27. Use your social media network to raise awareness of their needs.
I’m sure that you have many, many more ideas that you can add to this list. All of us are smarter than any of us. What comes to your mind, or what have you done successfully, to help missionaries make ends meet?

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