Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Resurrecting Cape Town

A thought occurred to me last night. Jesus waited two days after Mary and Martha had prayed for Him to come and heal their brother, Lazarus. In their eyes, after their brother had died, their “prayers” had failed, but Jesus purposefully remained where He was - He did not answer their cries - because what He wanted to do was bring the maximum glory to the Father. 

The water crisis in the Western Cape is now international news. Some people have wondered why God has not answered their prayers for rain. Could it be that the Lord is waiting to act at a time that will cause the world to know that there is a good God in heaven for Whom nothing is impossible? From now on, I am going to pray that whatever happens, He would receive all the glory and honour due His Name! Pray with me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information! I am looking to travel to Cape Town. I was initially scared because I thought that Cape Town's dams were dangerously low. After doing my own research I see they are fine, and I have no hesitations to go visit!
