Monday, October 7, 2019

The Power of Prayer

Johann and Louise: Training Disciples to Make Disciples in Southern Africa

It was the largest Puffadder I had ever seen!

And boy, was he mad. The room was full of people who seemed more or less oblivious to his presence, and I knew that if I didn't act quickly, someone would be bitten. A bite from a Puffadder is lethal and often leads to death.

I lunged forward and grabbed him by his neck, keeping a very firm and tight grip to prevent him from biting me! He hissed angrily and began to coil his body around my arm in an attempt to pull his head out of my hand. He was strong and I knew it was only a matter of time before he managed to pull himself free. I looked around helplessly, not knowing what to do. Just then two people came up beside me. In their hands they had a cord...a threefold cord...which they looped around the snake's neck and pulled tight. The snake was instantly rendered harmless and I let go and these two people took him away.

Then I woke up. It was a dream...but what a dream!

The Lord showed me that the threefold cord was the prayers of our supporters...while Satan tries so hard to undermine the work of the ministry, seeking to discourage us, to hurt and harm us, to distract us by making us focus on the many negatives in our is the faithful prayers of our supporters that prevent him from doing his diabolical worst.

Yes, of course we need financial support...but oh how much more do we need your prayers! We simply cannot...and I know this sounds like such a cliche...but truly, we cannot do what we do without your prayers!

In this dream, God has shown me that without you, Satan would harm are our rope holders, as William Carey put it...our threefold cord holders...and we are truly grateful.

Thank you.

All our love
Johann and Louise

Support Us
Johann and Louise spent two years helping to develop the St. Frumentius Seminary in Gambella, Ethiopia. At present, they are mostly working in Southern Africa where they are serving in seven southern African countries, although they continue to work with the Diocese of Egypt, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa as well as other southern and northern African countries, through engaging in a disciple making movement in order to grow the body of Christ. They are partnering with J-Life and other like-minded ministries. This ministry is massive and has the ability to reach thousands.
We are sent  through the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders, a missionary sending community, engaging in building relationships with the worldwide church to experience the broken restored, the wounded healed, the hungry fed, and the lost found through the love and power of Jesus Christ. 
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Attention to: Johann and Louise van der Bijl

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1 comment:

  1. Johann and Louise, Thank you for the wonderful work that you do for God's people in Africa. We are forever grateful for your efforts. PRayers and more prayers!
