Monday, December 18, 2023


Johann and Louise: Training Disciples to Make Disciples in the Netherlands

Louise and I wish you a joy-filled Christmas and a New Year overflowing with God's very best blessings. 

Just like the Christ-Child, we too are called to be lights in the darkness, so we continue to pray for hope, peace, joy and love in a world that often only experiences hopelessness, war, despair, and hatred. 

Thank you for your ongoing partnership in the Gospel! What would Missionaries be without their faithful Senders? We are truly grateful for everyone who prays with and for us...who feels the burden for a Europe that has largely lost its moorings...and who loves as sacrificially as our Lord loves. 


Johann will be interviewed about "Breakfast on the Beach: The Development of Simon Peter" on “Mornings with Carmen” at at 6:30 am CT on Tue, January 9th.  Just adjust the time zone to your preferred time zone. 

These are Carmen’s accounts:
Facebook -
Twitter/X - @CarmenLaBerge
Instagram - @carmenfowlerlaberge
Faith Radio can be found on Facebook at

Enjoy every precious moment with family and memories...share his love.
Blessings, hugs, and love
Johann and Louise
Support Us
Johann and Louise spent two years helping to develop the St. Frumentius Seminary in Gambella, Ethiopia. They then worked in Southern Africa, serving in seven southern African countries, while continuing to work with the Diocese of Egypt, North Africa through engaging in a disciple making movement in order to grow the body of Christ. They are now serving in Heiloo, the Netherlands.
We are sent  through the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders, a missionary sending community, engaging in building relationships with the worldwide church to experience the broken restored, the wounded healed, the hungry fed, and the lost found through the love and power of Jesus Christ. 
Support SAMS
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PO Box 399 Ambridge PA 15003
Attention to: Johann and Louise van der Bijl

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